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Tag: #suitup

Men’s Suit Buttoning Rules: Know the Right Way to Button up Your Suits

Men’s Suit Buttoning Rules

Do you know there are suit button rules while buttoning your jacket? Shocking? Well, it is true. There are suit button rules to button your jacket. The suits are designed to be fastened in a specific way. Unfortunately, not many know about the rules and hence, do not follow them.  For a stylish and distinguished look, you need to know the...

Interview dress code for males- 2024

A team in business formal wear

The iconic interview scene from Pursuit of happiness is something we cannot forget as it throws light on the significance of being well dressed for an interview. You got the interview call letter or email; whether it is face-to-face or virtual it could be a bit confusing what to wear. We believe the first impression is the best impression, so...